Patient Participation Group
The practice now has a Patient Participation Group. This group works with members of the practice team to help develop areas of healthcare within the practice. Generally anyone who is a patient within the practice can be a member, however for practical purposes there are certain restrictions.
We ask that members would be available to attend group meetings held at the surgery approximately every 6 months. This is to discuss issues affecting your practice, to put forward proposals and offer support to help the surgery deliver the best service it can.
A Poem by a patient to our patients – Missed appointments and a Double Decker bus
You know the other day when you didn’t make your slot?
We waited here for you, but think you lost the plot,
Appointments only work, if both parties show,
Once you found you didn’t need us. You could’ve let us know,
We would have used your time for someone else not well,
Your error won’t be told, no others will we tell ,
Though lots of others, are guilty of this crime,
Please will you help us stop this waste of time,
We won’t single people out, but it really must be shown,
How much the ‘did not show’ numbers have grown and grown,
Did you know that in September, SEVENTY missed seeing us!
That’s more than enough, to fill a double decker bus!!!
Please help us get this figure down. October’s even worse,
ONE HUNDRED & TWENTY!!!! It’s what made us write this verse,
So, please remember, if you’ve an appointment with us,
You no longer need – well, let’s not fill another bus,
Just let us know – call in, text or phone, that’s the way to go,
We’ll use those precious minutes, to ease someone else’s woe.
Author – Terry Cox – Patient Participation Group Member